Caregiver Education
Caregiving has many challenges and rewards, and it is important to honor your own needs as well as commit to caring for someone else. There are many things to learn and most caregivers may not know or have the tools they need in order to properly care for someone. Nevada Senior Services has implemented easy and effective interactive education workshops that help caregivers feel confident with the many tasks they perform.
These workshops include:
Caring For You, Caring For Me – provides education and support to caregivers through a series of flexible learning modules, helping caregivers take better care of themselves, collaborate effectively with professional caregivers, and be the best advocate possible for their loved one.
Dealing with Dementia – for family and professional caregivers designed to increase dementia knowledge and confidence in the caregiver’s ability to provide care and paired with the comprehensive Dealing with Dementia Guide.
Dementia Awareness – a presentation on Dementia Awareness facts.
Dementia Friendly Home – This presentation will be useful for people with dementia who want to remain living at home, and for friends and family members who are supporting them. It’s based on research, and the personal experiences of people with dementia and the people who support them (family, friends and care professionals).
Medication Management – offers seniors, family caregivers and professionals an opportunity to learn about the importance of medication management in aging, including: appropriate vs. problematic use of five or more medications; monitoring risk factors; role of patients and caregivers in medication management; potential drug side effects; home medication safety programs, and resources for caregivers
Thoughtful Hospitalizations – a workshop for caregivers of persons with dementia, to help prepare for both unexpected and planned hospital visits and to prepare for any transitions in care.
Intellectual/Developmental Disability (I/DD) and Dementia – workshop for I/DD and dementia professionals on the best practices in caring for adults with I/DD, at risk of, or those diagnosed with a dementia.
Please contact Jennifer Ruiz at or (702) 331-5570 for more information.